YTD Inventory / Shipment Report
In Tons
12th Marketing MonthCrop: 20232023 Crop Wrap-Up

- Export shipments exceeded expectations during the summer (monthly average of 10,000 MT of in-shell equivalent pistachios), reaching more than twice the level of the same period in the previous year.

- During the 12th marketing month, the Indian Subcontinent was the biggest importer of Iranian pistachios among all major destinations, with India leading this month’s shipments at 2,000 MT of in-shell equivalent pistachios. This shift could be due to covering the demand for the Diwali Festival in India. Overall, shipments to the Indian Subcontinent have been strong, with kernel shipments growing during the second half of 2023/24 crop year.

- Kernels and Green Kernels amounted to 42% (considering close shell as raw material for kernels) of this year’s export shipments, as compared to the 4-year average figure of 35%.

- The demand for Iranian Green Peeled Pistachio Kernels has been very strong. Shipment of GPPK to non-European destinations increased throughout the year. Interestingly, close to 40% of GPPK shipments during the 2023/24 crop year have been destined to non-EU markets.

- Total export shipments by the end of 2023/2024 crop year, reached 133,000 MT of in-shell equivalent pistachios, while total domestic consumption is estimated at 25,000 MT.

- Our previous estimate for Iran’s 2023 crop stood at 180,000 MT of dried in-shell pistachios. However, considering our latest estimate for year-end carry-out of 30,000 MT, we are finalizing the 2023 crop production figure by adjusting our previous estimate to 168,000 MT.

The New Crop Report

- IPA announced its official forecast of the 2024 Iranian crop at 190,000 MT of dried in-shell pistachios. However, after IPA's announcement, there have been reports of higher than usual blanks and heat damage to the crop resulting from excessive summer temperatures and daily irrigation interruptions due to widespread electricity shortage in the country.

- Considering last year's high demand for GPPK, there has been a rise in early pick harvest for green pistachios this year.

- The harvest began from mid-September and is expected to continue for a longer period than usual. The new crop is expected to consist of 42% non-Akbari Long (i.e. Ahmad Aghayi, Badami, etc.), 32% Round (Fandoghi), 16% Akbari, and 10% Jumbo (Kalle Ghoochi).
Carry in from prevoius year20,000
Total Production168,000
Gross Inventory188,000
Domestic Consumption (25,000)
Export Shipments (110,000)
Adjustment/losses, Export (23,000)
Total Consumption (158,000)
Ending Inventory30,000
Note : addjustment / losses related to shelling and peeling process of kernels and green kernels.


Current Crop Year 

Monthly Report.pdf
Annual Report.pdf